April 14, 2010

Even when the world is shaking, my God stands

My heart is heavy. breaking. I'm confused. I'm in shock.


MY GOD IS NOT! He is NOT confused, He is NOT surprised, and He IS in control.

For those of you who did not know, our team has been waiting on one final "approval" from the minister of education for our trip to our orphanage in June. I got a phone call today - we did not get that approval. The Russian government put a "halt" on all recreational activities at Russian orphanages until the end of June. We could still be involved at the ministry center in the city, but not travel to the orphanage. If we are to travel to Russia in June, we would not be able to visit our orphanage. Not be able to see the sweet children that we are so longing to see. My heart is SO burdened for these kids, and I love them SO much... hearing word that we may not be able to see them just breaks my heart.

So what does this mean? We're not quite sure... we understand there a few scenarios that could take place, so we're praying for guidance and praying that God move in a big way to get us to see our kids.

#1) We have asked about moving the dates for our trip to July. In July, the kids will be at a 'camp' which is basically an orphanage that is in the woods. Russian orphans go to 'camp' during the summer to give the orphanage care givers and staff a vacation. So, the children will be at camp, which is about 2 hours outside of the city. We could stay in the city, work with the graduates at the ministry center, and maybe go and visit the kids at camp and still get to spend some time with them.

#2) To go in June for the dates we already have planned, and have bought plane tickets for and work with the graduates at the ministry center. My heart has been breaking for these teens who graduate the orphanage. Some of them graduate as early as 16 and are out on their own in the city, left to make 'adult decisions' at such a young age. These kids need support. They need role models. They need Jesus. Really.


As hard as it may be to get this news, and as much as my heart breaks, I know God has a plan for us... and for me. and for these sweet kids. I Know He is in control. This is, yet again, another opportunity for me to trust Him.

Pray with us that HE will mold and shape our next step, whatever it may be, and that HE would give us peace and guidance for the days to come. Pray that He will move in the hearts of the officials to allow us to come to Russia and visit these children, and pray that He would comfort our sweet kids during this time. Our whole team is SO excited to get to love on these orphans... and to grow closer in our relationship with Christ by doing so... we want to be used, and we want HIM to show us where, when, how, etc.

Right now, we will be waiting to hear from the minister of education about our request to come in July. Please be praying for these officials and that God would prompt them and lead...

In what seems to be chaos... and in a world that seems to be shaken. My God stands firm. My God is sovereign. My God is my rock.

Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land . Psalm 95:1-5

And a sweet friend reminded me of this verse also...

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philipians 4:6

1 comment:

  1. praying for you, friend!
    i know you long to be there, where your heart belongs. as God has already gone before you in this, He KNOWS what His plans are. and He knew it before He drew your heart to this trip.

    praying His guidance would be clear and that you and your team would joyfully follow wherever He takes you.

    LOVE YOU!!
